In this explosive interview that took place in his very own home, he spills the beans on what it’s really like to live the Life of Dozer! . . Dozer, it’s been a tumultuous year. What’s your take on COVID and how it’s affected your life in 2020? COVID? What is that, a new snack? I don’t recall getting any. Errr, no. It’s that world-devastating-virus, the reason your mum has been at home with you 99% of this year. You didn’t notice? Oh. I thought that was just because she wanted to hang with me. I really was not complaining that she didn’t travel overseas this year. Though having said that, I do miss my own vacations at the golden retriever boarders’ place… OK. Well, let’s move onto a topic you are more knowledgable about. I’m fascinated by this job you do – Official Taste Tester. What are your key responsibilities? My job is to taste food made by my mum that she is considering sharing on this website, and to give honest, objective feedback. What an interesting job! Do you have any formal qualifications? No, it’s something I have a natural talent for, and a field that I have always been very interested in. I do work hard on self education every day, seeking every opportunity to hone my skills and expand my palette, from breakfast, lunch to dinner, from anyone, anywhere. See? And do you consider yourself a high performer employee? [Chest puffs with pride] I’ve been told by my mum that my eagerness is commendable and that my passion for food is unrivalled. She has also praised me for the speed at which I do my job ie. eating the food I am sampling. I am fast! Your mum cooks a LOT. Do you get to taste test a lot? Not as much as I am willing to do, that’s for sure. I feel like my mum is suppressing my ability to do my job to the fullest of my abilities. I’m not sure what you mean. Can you expand on this? For example, she makes a roast beef. I am the RecipeTin Eats Official Taste Tester. My job is to TASTE IT. Yet, I get nothing more than a tiny sliver. How am I to determine if it is a good recipe or not without a sufficient quantity to sample?? Well Dozer, word on the grapevine is that you think EVERYTHING tastes good… Tabloid lies! I have a very sophisticated palette. Like – kale. YUCK! Pork crackling. YUM! See? Err, yes. Excellent examples. So – moving on. Low point of 2020? The Mystery Tummy Pain of 2020. Ooooh, that was so painful, I was hiding in far corners of the house curled up in pain. I’m so lucky my mum got me to the emergency hospital so quickly. They thought it was something scary when they started doing tests on me. It turned out to be….well, just gastro. Wait – so everyone was super stressed about you being seriously sick and it was just gastro? Sounds like a case of Tummy Man Flu, if you ask me….. [Sulking tone] It was BAD, I’m telling you. Even the vet thought I was like DYING of something nasty! I even turned down roast chicken. Everybody knows that’s my all time favourite food! Plus, they shaved me to do scans. My privates were exposed for all the world to see. My mum had to use the Modesty Flowers on my photos for weeks!! High point of 2020? That Perfect Day, when I bounded out of bed at 6 am, my mum prepared my home cooked meal straight away, then we went off to the dog beach to play with my friends. Came home to a warm shower, snoozed in the sun to dry off. Chased birds in the backyard, chatted to my neighbours’ dog through a hole in the fence, rolled around on the grass, played with my toys. Finished off the day with a swim in the pool followed by a big juicy bone, homemade dinner then off to bed. Sounds delightful Dozer. And when was this Perfect Day? Yesterday! And the day before. Wait, and the day before that, and the day before that….. 😇 So basically you mean every day is a Perfect Day. That is Life of Dozer!! What would you say your greatest asset is? My looks. I’ve been known to make grown men give up an entire drumstick using just my looks. And finally, I think it’s fitting to finish with this question: Best food memory of 2020? That time mum was teasing me, showing me a Custard Tart she made with no intention of sharing it with me. Then she dropped it. #Karma Ha ha! You certainly seem to live a charmed life Dozer! Thank you for taking the time to chat to me. We look forward to seeing what 2021 holds for Life of Dozer! Happy New Year everyone! Usually, I’d see out a year with a post filled with party foods to celebrate New Years’ Eve. But given this year will be (very!) quiet for many of us, I thought I’d do something a little different. Hopefully it gave you a bit of a laugh! I’m sure I’m not alone in saying that I won’t miss 2020. We’ve got more challenges ahead in 2021, but surely things can only go one way – UP! Here’s to better times ahead! Keep smiling, stay safe, and sending big (virtual) hugs to you all! – Nagi & Dozer xx